Participant Reviews

Train the Trainer

I was one of your trainees this week.  After reflecting for a couple of days over our three day session I feel compelled to give you due and worthy praise.

It’s quite obvious to me now that your training/methodology have been quite life changing for me in just three days. These are tools, perspectives, models and ideas that have changed my whole perspective, both in the working environment and – more importantly for me – beyond. They are also coping mechanisms to understand reality and the human condition.

As I said, the way I see it, it’s a craft.

Rob Kirbyson

Effective Leadership for Volunteer Managers Seminars

Thank you for these sessions as they have been really, great, informative and participative. I am sharing these resources with colleagues as they are going to be supervising volunteers in our Advocacy service and so this is really helpful. I appreciate the thought and work that has been put into this opportunity.

Avril McLean, Scotland Support and Development, Action for M.E.

Transform Leadership for Today Seminars

I just wanted to thank you for a really enjoyable time going through the 3 coaching sessions. It came at a time I really needed it, just taking the time to listen and absorb your coaching skills and ideas.  Some really great reminders and overall it just gave me such a great feeling of confidence and support.

Carolyn Moir Grant, Managing Director, Allstaff