Values Refreshed at OTTC 2018

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“Wow, how did that happen?”  We all looked at each other in amazement and were delighted to have made such progress so quickly.  And why was it that easy?  Well, it was already there I suppose!

So, what am I writing about?  It all happened at Dalrymple Construction ( on Friday 29th June 2018, when George, Mary, Sheila, John, Scott and I met to discuss the outcomes of the reflective interviews I had conducted on Wednesday 16th May 2018.  In response to this initiative, the team was given the opportunity to explore their thinking and present their ideas on creating a vision, mission and values for the company.  Last Friday we met to share our thoughts.  My role was to help make it happen and to facilitate a constructive and purposeful discussion.

After everyone had an opportunity to contribute, the team started to refine and edit their ideas and very quickly agreed on the following draft;

VISION; “From conception to completion”

MISSION; “Small enough to listen, big enough to deliver”

VALUES; Be right, Be safe, Be positive

Brilliant!  Suitably inspired and motivated to look again at OTTC’s vision, mission and values, my journey home to the West of Scotland in the beautiful summer sunshine was enjoyable, thought-provoking and engaging. 

I had attended an excellent CPD event in Edinburgh on Tuesday 19th June 2018 hosted by Peter at CFM Consulting ( and facilitated by Alastair from Wyllie and Reid (  The focus was on “Reflective Writing at its Best” and Alastair certainly provided a fascinating introduction to the subject!  As part of the event, Alastair ran an exercise which allowed us to reflect on something important and of course, to write about it too.  I chose to reflect on my learning journey through life.  What I finished with was;

“I wasted time when I was young and I do regret and feel bad about that.  However, I owe it to myself to pay back the debt and not to be driven by others’ perceptions!

Time is running out, so get a move on!  Be different, accept this and get going!  Believe, trust the process and find what is right for me.”

Getting back to OTTC’s vision, mission and values, I spoke with Catherine about how we might refresh our presentation and embrace Dalrymple Construction’s simple but powerful approach.  We accepted that our mission statement “did exactly as it said on the tin!” and will stay as it is.  The vision statement however, was never quite right.  Having also committed to 5 core values back in 2014, on reflection these were only words, so to be more descriptive we agreed to add a verb to focus on doing and action.

So, what are our refreshed vision, mission and values at OTTC? 

VISION; “Care to learn, everywhere”

MISSION; “Helping people work together”

VALUES; Promoting learning, Building relationships, Growing success, Adding value (ABCD) And finally, what is ABCD?  Well, OTTC is all about ABCD i.e. “above and beyond the call of duty”.  I hope that the people we work with see this and each of the 4 core values in everything that we do!

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